Blogger Layouts


Saturday 7 January 2012

wat the?..esok 9hb sudah..

Haih~ .."pejam celik, pejam celik esok dah nak balik sekolah" keluh kebanyakkan org. Mine, " Pejam, Celik, FB, Blogspot, Qailulah, Brunch (breakfast+lunch), Solat, Novel, pejam, celik, Fb, so on and so forth". I dont do pejam celik or bgn pastu tido je, huhu, jom muhasabah jap wat budak2 yang nak baru nak masuk sekolah, ape yg korang wat wak2 cuti ni?

confused? too!.huh, jumble of words~

Oke!Back to the story, esok zest and my friends nak balik skolah dah. Huhu, bukan sedih tuk masuk skolah, but, actually, rse teruja n epi lak coz dapat jmpe kawan2. Haha! Rindu giler ngn aktiviti2 gila yg dah jadi rutin idop kitorang sebagai bdak hostel (*teringat kat member yg gne name fb die 'budax hostel', haha!)

First soklan yg masuk kalo bkak chat ngn kawan, " Ko dah packing belum?" 
Pilihan jawapan:

a] (bdak teruja)Sudah, excited nak msuk skolah ni!
b] (tipu ah, nmpak hebad ckit) urm, Belum!,,ape aq kesah. Esok sebelum pgi smpat agi.
c] (Bdak maths) adelah ckit2...dalam 40 percent dah ciap, tiap 10 percent besenya aq ambik 1 jam nak complete..
d] (bdak malas nak jwb coz byk kali suda ditanye) Si polan is not available for chatting.

Tu baru ckit je yg zest ltak, ad kepelbagaian utk jwb one question uh. Dahsyat jgak kite ni huhu. Cbe bayangkan tyme pekse jwb dgn jwpn yg unik2 belaka like wak2 kite chat. Haha!

Back to the question, zest dah packing dah, but i actually called in a syarikat tuk buatkn. haha!
terbaik pnye packing!

pnye lah byk barang aku!..Haha!....of course i'm kidding, gilak kah? ...

hurm, enough main2. kat cni, as in post ni, zest nak ucap trimas tuk smua tetamu2 blog zest ni. THANKS Y'ALL! this will be my last post b4 msuk skolah. Hey2! jangan nangeh lak...huhu...nnt tyme cuti i'll sambung lah,oke? =P full of myself..haha!..


So, till next tyme, yerk! ...bye, tata, adios, selamat tinggal, gud bye, sayonara, chaw!

Smile always yerk! =)

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