Blogger Layouts


Wednesday 4 January 2012


Best x title? macam ad drama ckit or macam situasi JENG3!...haha!..mepek lak. kali ni zest nak wat talk about RACISM. maybe ramai yang reaksi cam ni "apeka?!". wokeyh2, lek lu. This is my job lah, buat korang see the world better.*cam poyo lak, kah3.

BM: Sifat perkauman dan tidak berpadu.
FYI, its a negative thing. Jangan buat oke! 

In malaysia, maybe kita boleh kate tiada problem racism.So, same2 kite rakyat malaysia ucap ALHAMDULILLAH. Bersyukur ah! Kalau xnak, this will happen to this country or lebih tepat kita! exempli gratia; the so called 'VETO'- the USA.


A complete failure in unity. Tapi sekarang diorng baru sedar betapa pentingnya perpaduan. Lambat betul! huh, perang berlaku antara satu sama lain n macam2. Colour doesn't show anything, ape yang penting ialah the 

Akhlak lebih penting dari rupa!...but jangan x jage zahir kite pulak. Kena stabil dan cube tuk jadi yang terbaik! =)

Sebagai pengajaran, tgk pic bawah ni.

whether you're a plastic origami or a paper origami, what matters most is how u treat others and tahap taqwa kite. "Tp, walaupun kite org dah cube, bond persahabatan x terjalin lah." Krisis cam ni ek? Cube tgk picture atas uh balik. Buku ape kah? Yes! Chemistry! Kalau nak make a bond with one another, you must first try to get to know each other, share time together or do fun stuff together. Chemistry akan muncul and before you know it, you feel all is loss bile perpisahan berlaku. Hurm,, last words from me, ZEST, 

" Ukhwah fillah abadan abada! "

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