Blogger Layouts


Sunday 22 January 2012


salam alayk wahai readers-readers sekalian.

need, ap bende uh? ..keperluan lah. ad dua bende dlm dunia ni, first keperluan n second kehendak. cam zmn kite blaja khb dulu uh..huhu...kenangan lah!.. =)

dlm buku teks ad tuleh yg the needs in life are; SHELTER, FOOD N PAKAIAN. <btul x? lupe ah,huhu>, based on me, i think ad yg tertinggal lah, for example; islam,love (kasih&sayang), forgiveness, friendship!

in this post in particular, nak ckp pasal bende yg ketiga uh, no!, bukan pakaian lah, yg kat bwh uh. YES! FORGIVENESS!

sumtimes in life, kite jumpe ramai kawan n musuh. adakalanya, tanpa diduga, kawan akhirnya jadi musuh n musuh akhirnya jd kawan. baru sedar kah?.. "hey dude! diperkenalkan   my pal, LIFE!" sekarang dah kenal hidup?...huhu.

hurm, n so as we live wif friends, adakala nya tercetusnya perang, xkire lah secara fizikal,mental, in real life or in the cyber world, maka bergaduhlah kawan.

tp, kite sebagai kawan, secare x langsung nye, sejak kite berkenalan, sebuah janji telah pun terukir dihati-hati kite, 'watever happens, we'll be frends for eva!' ..

in every problem msti ad jln conclusion die, di setiap pertelingkahan pasti ade nye forgiveness. 

khas tuk kawan aq, aq sayangkan all of u guys. korang yg mencorak kan hidup aq wif all sorts of colours. tak kire samada pahit or manis. tenkiu kawan! :')

kpd smua yg kenal zest, please, i beg u, please do forgive me..! 

forgiveness is the main priority for success. ape tunggu lagi, jom kite bermaaf-maafan!...


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