Blogger Layouts


Wednesday 25 January 2012


forget or lupa,, huh.
forgetting or melupai,, huh.

dlm post kali ni, zest nak bkak citer pasal forgetting. huhu. forgetting about, yes! friendship. kenapa byk post pasal kawan je? kering idea kah?

bukan xnak wat pasal bende lain, just wanna show to my friends that i need em. Penting sgt ke kawan? absolutely! without any doubt. friends are always giving in a hand, there to support, there to be in hardship and 'ease-ship' (wujudkah perkataan ni?) we need friends coz we dont want to be alone, we want friends coz we want to share. Second reason is that, i care b'coz i want to be cared, i love to be loved, i smile at u so that u will smile back at me. KAWAN senyum yer walaupun kite akan berpisah! :')

ni nak citer ckit, mungkin korang akn muntah or pelik or even rase cam x blah je. So aq dah warning awal2,, this blog is mostly about wat goes in my head and everything yg terjadi disekeliling aq...

and so the story starts...

ade satu mlm uh, aq tebangun dr tido coz terdengar deringan fon aq, 

you can count on me like 1,2,3 i'll be there...(hingga ke kehabisan korus)

tgk screen, rupe2nya kawan aq...make diangkat lah fon uh...kitorang sembang2 kosong till ade satu moment uh die ckp yg die x jumpa dah ngn zest lpas ni and suruh zest lupakan die. die suruh abaikan segala permintaan die tuk tidak melupakan die (fhm en?..susa nk diterangkn via words) ...what! no way! ...waktu tu lah aq jadi frust n sedih n mcm2 agi  jenis perasaan. kite lah dah byk bkongsi masalah, amik tau ape2 yg terjadi, tyme takut or epi msti dikongsi, sakit or demam pasti dirisaukan,. Huh! how could you ask me to do such a thing! =( forget you?..NEVER!!

never going to let go! :'(
mlm to jugak ah,, my first tear drop berderai khas tuk seorang kawan! Huhu,,it was 'pathetically' sad! I need to see you for the last tyme lah! =(


hurm,,kay, xnak citer agi ah!...makes me sad..huh,, =( i need a hug! huh,,

b4 ending this post,, nak cakap that, though u promised that you'll smile always, but still im afraid that u're heart wont.  siyesly, please dont forget to smile~

p/s: i wont forget you! and do please never forget me~ =')


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