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Friday 6 January 2012

Sains disebalik uh~ (part 1)

Pray while u till can!

Yes! I'm back! Hari ni mcm x bape sehad but still, i can't resist! I like to write. Huhu.

Dek zaman teknologi canggih ni, manusia semakin lama semakin banyak mempertikai agama. "Agama uh untuk orang zaman purba lah!", kata seorang insan yang kononnya merasa bahawa dunia ini terjadi ngan sendirinya, manusia wujud via teori Charles Darwin - evolution- dan bermacam2 lagi ideologi2 yang pelik2. 

Sanggupkah mengaku anda berketurunan monyet?

For those yang fikir agama uh lapuk n bla3, here's a post for u.

Wahai budak2 intelektual dan berpendidikan, macam kita smua tahu, daun pada pokok uh hijau because wujudnya pigmen2 hijau atau name dlm dunia sains nye 'CHLOROPHYLL'. Chlorophyll ini sangatlah penting tuk tumbuh-tumbuhan membuat makanan melalui photosynthesis.

Formula Photosynthesis:

To the point of this post, do you believe bahawa, didalam Al-Quran sudah tertulis tentang klorofil ini beribu tahun dahulu sedangkan manusia baru sahaja menemui perkara ini pada tahun 1961 oleh Glass. * x tau nme penuh ah.

X percaye? Bukak surah Al-An'am ayat ke-99.

“It is He who sends down water (rain) from the sky. With it We produce vegetation of all kinds from which (water or plants) We produce green substance (Khadir), out of which We produce grain in clusters. And out of date palms, from their spathes come forth clusters of dates hanging low and near, and (We produce) gardens of grapes, olives and pomegranates, each similar (in leaves or shape), yet different (in fruit and taste). Look at (and think over) their fruits when they begin to bear fruit, and (look at) the ripeness thereof. Behold! In these things there are Signs for people who believe.” (Quran 6: 99)

Ain't enough proof yet? Haih~

That's all from me, ZEST~

<keep smiling guys! You look awesome!>

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