Blogger Layouts


Friday 28 June 2013


Assalamualaikum kawan,
may God bless u n me n all of us.

 evrysingle year, satu keluarga forum mesti ade. 

cgu mardiana
ainfatin kamila
syifa rizal
kamal fikri 
and me!

cgu shamsiyah
dayana balqis
fatin nadiah
and me!

 and on that basis, two family ties were made.
tatau la nak ckp kat org camne. mungkin nmpak cam over je bnde famili2 ni, tp hakikat sbnrnya, forum ni, its not about either u win or lose, its just about how strong ur bonds are.

we laugh. we cried. we smiled. we ate. we share. we care. we love.

this year, 
kelam kabut pasukan kitorang. ade yg gi summit mckk sminggu. nadwah 5 hari, n netball sbp. so, latihan amatlah kurang.

tinggal me n fatin je. tp, saya ta mahu bputus asa kat diorang. i taught fatin all that i know. she was a freshie in this world of forum-ing. ganti org. so, dia ade seminggu je latihan as a team. but, i saw light within her eyes. i know she can do it! i trust her freaking muccchh.

fortunate as we can get, raudhah yg patotnye gi netball uh, patah balek bcoz ad haze.
that makes us 3 at school. latihan latihan latihan lagi!

atlast, semua balek. pertandingan tinggal 2 hari ag. we must strive on! no matter wat!

2012: we got 3rd place, bias. katenye tajuk bahase tak sesuai utk pljar (hell u hakim!)
2013: perfection was made by my beloved team. peserta lain smua kate kitorang boleh johan, namun. 2nd. BIAS. "tjuk x cukup ilmiah". alasan apetah~ =="

kalo ye un nak bias, xyah nak join mesyuarat hakim laaa~ ngeng tol!

 in the end. kita sedar. its fate. be grateful. pasti ade hikmah!

sedih sbnrnye tgk diorang nanges tyme umum tuh.

it hurts really. i cant hug. i cant wipe tears. im a boy. 4 girls.

all that i can give is a smile n keep our family tie going.

my little sisters, be strong. dont give up for me next year. no more tears. just miles of smiles.

pray for me. espiem is next door.

bye o readers.

i wrote a letter to all em, (xcpt fadhilah, at summit), i wrote 
"to love is to remember"

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