Blogger Layouts


Friday 28 June 2013

"The bloodline Curse"

Hai youuuuu~
Lame x menulis kan kan?
haha, terok nye saya...ish3 <geleng2>

So. today im targeting two mini post for my forever loyal waiters, but, first must comes first. First! im dead sorry to all of you. I dont know wat came over me lately. issues. busy. studies. espiem. n a hell lot of drama!

but, sometimes, good memories do prevail in the end, though. People ask me, whats ur secret in scoring on ur english papers?

my answers:
-read lots n lots n lots of english novel
-have a movie fiesta
-play games
-speak english wif frends (though bercakap cam x betul)...confidence is vital
-Join Miss Emma's English Set, u will see a real PnP going on. U'll learn, play n eat cupcakes! Best class ever! 

thats my say.
n yeah, join international essays. Its fun to know ur essay is read by the world. Haha :D

waktu bulan 4 dulu kala, i participated in this intern-essay by the Royal Commonwealth Society (RCS) 2013. 3 days of hurried essay writing. Guided by Miss Emma, I found my true colour of my writing style. "you write like a novelist. Do narratives!" said Miss Emma, with full motivation.

With the theme, ENTREPRENEUR, i twisted it around n made a story.
the title?


at first, i made a 11 page essay. And flabbergasted Miss Emma was. N so, i had to cut some paragraphs off. from 2500+ word-count essay to a 1500 words essay. Though taking most of the fun n descriptive-style part, i still loved my work.

1st may 2013, deadline.

essay bounced back. traffic jam on the internet! huh =="
but tenkiu to Miss Emma, she submitted my essay a million times and atlast we succeeded!


Stupid post ea?...sorry, lost my rhythm.

okay guys....bye
dont forget to wear ur smile today. 

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