Blogger Layouts


Thursday 25 September 2014

Jump, not the verb but the story.

Here we go. A paragraph per day. Enjoy ;) my personal favourite masterpiece.

    The night gleamed under the mesmerizing moonlight. Every single detail of the forest around me glittered. Soft shivering gust of wind seethed by. Biting every single naked skin. It was one of those nights that I both hate and love at the same time. Love, because of tits hypnotizing serene forest view around the school grounds. Hate, because every time I lay my back on the cold ground, I will surely start to recall my dark past. So, let’s hear my story, okay? 


Once long ago, well, not very long, just a few years I guess, I still remembered how I reached ‘here’. This so called ‘here’ is what I call a unicorn in real life, a vampire as a lover, a werewolf as a friend or in a much simpler of words, a life in a world of fantasy. You get the idea right? During a time long ago, I was just a common, pitiful, lame human, roaming on earth without any reason to live. But then, on a dark night, my whole life changed.

                A perfect massacre was made. Right in front of my very own eyes. The killing of my loved ones. What was worst was that I was unable to do anything to stop it from happening. A dark figure wearing a cloak slaughtered my beloved father. He burnt my mother alive. He shot both my sisters in the head. The horror seeing blood everywhere. The figure laughed villain-like. I saw his eyes –dark and vivid- no such good portrayed in them. Besides all the bad luck I faced, the slightest sheer of luck came. I found the rope tying my wrist was quiet loose. This gold mine opportunity must not be made a a waste, I thought. So, with that, I made a run for it.


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