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Tuesday 13 May 2014

a day before the coming future..

salam alaykum!

hey guys.

so, esok utp broh.

so, hari ni buy things for utp.

so, today juga its buying smartphone day, as ayah promised.

once ago, i kinda targeted for a htc desire 610, but unfortunately, the malaysian market for htc is freaking slow. so, after doing research, i chose LG-Google NEXUS 5!


the issue of going there is totally the cost.

its about 18 grand.

for a year!

so, i actually fell stressed out due to my parents having to pay up the cost.
ive always dreamed of getting scholarships. not just because it'd be fun, but i dont want to burden my parents after 18years of paying this n that. 

so, im promising myself to do well in foundation and try to grab a scholarship of any sort for my degree. if i fail, it'd be around 80k !!!

thats hell crazy.


but this is what the future costs brohhh

okay. thats all for today. sorry for not posting.

internet tidak ada.



Saturday 10 May 2014

one of those days..

salam alayk.

simplying today.

-wake up.
-cook nasi goreng plus nuggets.
-spring cleaning room and store.
-trying out new khakis and cotton on's :P
-sending adik to usrah kat sekolah.
-buying 2 reg pizzas.
-candy floss for 'little kid'.
-watched saw for abit
-tour de igop with them kids, little kid raudhah, fadhilah n dayana.
-smileeeeeee :D

em. today was kinda fun.
jumpa budak2 forum. hehe. menepati janji haritu nak blanjakan pizza kalau mnang daerah, and ofcourse they did.

raudhah, still being a kid.
fadhilah, honourable pku 2
dayana, still being her usual self.

and we actually called aten. haha. missed those days.

today kuar upu. bendalah yg sgt lama dinantikan ramai.
ada yang

mcm2 ada.

ive got USIM, tamhidi/asasi sains & teknologi.

now, within a chasm of dilema between utp (yet waiting for results) and usim.

lets lay it out for a bit.

usim, blaja maths, bio, chem, physics, bahasa arab, and smthng like quran sunnah i guess.

utp, mech engineering, the usual eng subjects i guess.

the issue here is, utp has a higher employment rate and much more recognised within the international education league while usim, well i dunno.

i want to be a BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER!!

one way, take mech eng and then go for biology in master and PhD.

another way, take bio all the way thru. which right now, i dont have this kind of chance to do so.

so, rite now, just sitting down, laying around, standing still and praying for the best of fate.

okay, thats all.


await the coming masterpiece essay during my form five year. and i want it patented. i want to make a full-length novel out of it one day, so, dont copy!. haha! ;)

Thursday 8 May 2014

youtubers at choice!

salam alayk!
hai guys.


anyway, it's been quiet a thing that ive left this blog for months n left so dusty. actually, ive lost my readers. my stats hasnt moved at all !


pape pun, terusssssssss menulis!

em refering to the title up there, 

youtube is actually the NOW tv. its been ages since i last opened my tv and watched smthng actually. more to youtube.

and here's my list of choice for certain genre of entertainment.

-General Entertainment and a must :

YES! ofcourse, pewdiepie.

beating once number one SMOSH, with over 26 million subscribers, he's king of YOUTUBE.

have a try and be bro.

-next up, gadgets and tech :

there's dozen of these types of channel, but out of the abundant pile, here's my choice,

yes, android. ios?.....not my thing. haha!

for me, they have a good review going on with quality content vids.

-now, something educational :

typically the best science based videos ever - besides Vsauce - they give facts, explains and everything else in mere minutes for the public -us- to understand. simply the best!

-next up, something for minecrafters, probably not the best but kinda my choice, 

Woofles and friends.

its a team thing as they play minecraft. i like it mybe bcoz it was the first thing that pooped up when i was looking for minecraft things. sorry, but i think he's gay or something. surprising actually. haha.

- want something weird, or facts that mybe made up? heres my thing,

they've got weird things in there n well, weird is fun. haha

-lastly, simple comedy :

have alook and youll know. haha

okay thats for today. bye guys.

salam :)

Saturday 3 May 2014


hai hai !

salam alayk!

sooo, hari ni tak berapa nak tulis sgt. just nak bg a taste before i start making an online novelette. it was last year that i participated in one og those RCS international essay competition and actually didnt even win, so here's the full length story. around 1500 words. the original was 2500 smthng, but due to the terms of below 1500k, i had to cut it down by a thousand words. quiet a loss, but hey, it was fun !! btw, dia ada theme so storyline kene ikut theme, kalau ikutkan tanak ikut sbb theme ta best. em!

so here it is,


“Please be food, please!,” Alice prayed. She collapsed her body purposely to the ground. Her back on the wall. Hands already grasping the box - eagerly. “Please, God! Please be food!” She prayed again. She opened the box slowly. To her utter surprise there was a large sewing needle, a role of thick thread, two buns and a note. The note wrote:

“To my fair lady, London Bridge is falling, please don’t let it drown.
A bun to fulfill your desire in the present,
Another for you to fulfill the desires of another present”

                She has been living like this for years. Scavenging for food and sleeping under the wide sky. But amidst her hardship, she once lived in wealth until a sudden robbery took place and stole her mother’s life.          
                By the end of the note, she has already gobbled up half the bun. The sensation aroused a smile on her face. Repairing despair. In joy of eating, she read the note again. The bun in her mouth fell to the ground. Lights started to beam fast around her. Cars swished passed her to the horizon of the road until the busy road was deserted. Alice focused on Big Ben in the distance while bearing the pain.
                “What’s going on?!” her heart screamed in horror. The hands of the clock moved abnormally fast. Doing 360 degree rotations again and again. The numbers flew out of the clock into the midnight sky. Time was really flying! The walls of the buildings around Alice bended and twisted around her. Alice’s knees started being disloyal to her. Without any might left, she collapsed to the pavement. Face down. There were voices echoing around. It was saying something. The same sets of words. Repeated. Involuntarily, her hands pressed on her ears. Unfortunate to her ears, the voices got louder. She curled her body in pain. Legs kicking hysterically.

                All of the sudden, the voices stopped. Alice was now sitting on the pavement, glaring into the sky with her wet greenish-blue eyes. Both, the sun and moon climbed together into the sky and seated themselves side by side. The sky was a mixture of royal blue and glorious golden hues. Magnificent and hauntingly spooky at the same time. “Is this magic?” Asked Alice still hypnotized. Through her ears, Alice heard a soft voice whispering from a distance. “Alice, Alice…,” the voice chanted. “Mum…mummy…is…is that you?” Her voice trembled. Where was the voice coming from? She rose and searched here and there. It was her mother, Emma.
“Alice dear, stop. You can’t find me. I am no where to be found”
“Mum! I miss you, mum! Where were you all these years?”
                “I miss you too dear. I never left you, Alice. I never did. I am always there with you in every step, in your heart,” Alice felt warm. Emma continued,
                “Do remember that I am always with you no matter what. Okay? I’m sorry, but the reason I’m here is to warn you,” Alice focused.
                “London Bridge is falling down; build it up with wood and clay, it will wash away. With mortar and bricks, it will not stay. With iron and steel, it will bend and bow. With silver and gold, it will be stolen away,” Emma continued with a ghostly tone. It did not sound like her. Emma coughed twice and then said, “You are the sixth generation of the family curse. The curse that was given to our bloodline because of misdeeds. I too, once lived in the streets, but I recovered. I succeeded but by the end, London Bridge fell once more. The curse was said can only be abolished by a girl with greenish-blue eyes of the Bridge family. Dear Alice Elixir Bridge, my beloved daughter, you may be the one. Yes. It is fated. O little one, my Elixir, be the Elixir of the curse. Have faith in fate, dear. Have faith…” Her voice faded and eventually disappeared. Alice was puzzled. A bash of striking white light blinded her eyes. Alice fainted.

                London Bridge stood proud connecting the north and south of London over the River Thames. On the bridge, cars and buses hurdled to pass through. A car horned shattering the morning dew off tree leaves. Alice woke up in shock. Her head was buzzing. Somehow, she was teleported there, on a bridge, The London Bridge. She remembered what happened. It felt like a dream, but she was sure it was not. She believed in her mother, she believed in the bloodline curse. She was determined to break the curse!

                Alice Elixir sat down on a bench at Trafalgar Square. Pigeons flying everywhere. It was a beautiful sight. But Alice was not amazed. She fiddled with the needle and thread, and sighed, “what am I suppose to do, Mum?” In the nick of time, a woman in a suit was rushing past her. Her high heels tripped in between the pavement slabs. It was lucky that she did not fall, what was unlucky was that her shoes ripped from it s sole. The woman looked at Alice. Their eyes met. Somehow, the woman saw Alice as a shoe-mender. The woman gleamed in delight.
                “Hai little one, my name is Mrs Gwen. Do me a favor and sew my shoes, will you? I’m in such a hurry. Please,” she asked politely.

                “But, I … I’m not…” and before she could finish, the woman said, “Oh, foolish me. Here’s five pounds for your service”. Mrs Gwen passed he shoes to Alice. Alice became silent. And then she whispered to herself in bliss, “Here it is, this is my moment”.

                When she was little, she always admired how her mother sewed flowers such as daffodils on pieces of cloth. By observing, she enherited the techniques and skill. She held the shoe and started to sew. Mrs Gwen who was sitting next to her stared in amazement. Such beautiful artistry. Mrs Gwen saw a big opportunity in the world of shoe designing for this young girl. After a few short minutes, Alice did the finishing stitches. It was complete. She sewed a chain of daffodils at the side of the shoe. Making it intact again and elegant at the same time. Mrs Gwen grabbed Alice and hugged her tight. It was very fortunate to Alice, as Mrs. Gwen was a fashion designer.
                “Dear, you’re going to be rich! Rich!” she yelled. Alice hardly said a word. She smiled.

                After years of continuous hardwork, Alice now owned her very own shoe boutique. Her shoes were all handmade. . Her unique shoes were known by the whole of England. People love them, designers adore them. But there was still a problem. Though she was already building wealth by taking the opportunity of entrepeneuring her skill, she kept on having a pitch black dream where her mother continuously chanted, “Beware my fair lady, it is falling down, build it up with silver and gold, it will be stolen away…stolen away.”

                Six nights of cold December with the same dream, atlast she knew what was wrong. Her mother was rich at the very most, but her glory was ruined as her wealth was stolen. ‘Silver and gold will be stolen away’ it totally makes sense. Either way, she was now set to find that one vital element to put a full stop to the curse. She grabbed her coat and braved out into the frozen diorama of the morning of a December. She dashed to the closest library. There she went to the ‘Children’s Section’ in search of the nursery rhyme. To her despair, the final paragraph of the rhyme was rubbed out. She sank into a chasm of confusion. She looked in front of her to notice an alphabet board. “B for Bun,” Alice glared at it. She went to it and realized that there was a note sticked on it. It wrote the last few lines of the rhyme, “Give him a pipe to smoke all night, my fair lady.” Alice flashed a perfect smile. She solved the riddle!
                “I need to share my wealth. The buns! A bun for me, the other to give!”

                Ever since that day, Alice became the elixir of the community. With the money she made through her business, she helped the poor. She gave food and even opened up a shelter for the needy. On one night, she dreamed of her mother. Her mother said with joy, “You did it! I knew you could!” Alice smiled in her sleep. Every now and then she will remember the adventure that life gave her, She passed on her story to her. “Succeeding in entrepreneur is a failure unless you channel your money and wealth to make others at ease,” she told her children. She is happy that she led her opportunity in her business to a success, and from there she shared that success with others. To do business is to share.

there you have it. kalau ada draft slips anywhere, just say it out in the comment. thats all, take care. bye ! :D