Blogger Layouts


Monday 12 November 2012


growing new leaves
from this side of the barrier to the other
breaking the logics
freeing from the fake ideologies
planting the new plant
sowing the ground
planting the seed
refresh with water
scatter minerals
show affection
show care
a shoot pops out
growing towards the sun
from a small
to a big
spouting its first few leaves
it grows
it lives
it benefits
poor earth helped
poor creatures revived
out of the blue
without care n love
the plant didnt make it
it was left
no more affection
no more care
the leaves wilt atfirst
the stem deteriorates after
water not again given
love, never again
it wilts
it dies

a perfect analogy of what happens when u 'leaf' a friend behind. 
#converting languange (please wait)
begitu lah rasanya bila ditinggalkn. mungkin aku je yg terperasan. tp, hey kawan, jgn tinggalkan aku. hey kawan, smua post kat fb uh utk kau. yes! mungkin n pasti aku ada wat salah. memang patot aku ditinggalkan. tp, pls, tegur lah aku. bimbinglah aku. kawan! hold my hands again, will u? :(

memetik (cewah!) kata2:

oh my friend
dont put me behind u
i may not follow
dont put me infront of u
i may not lead
put me besides u
and u & i will bond friendship

kau sahabat,kawan,rakan,teman dunia & syurga ku...


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